Find EMS policies, protocols and plans
Section 100: The EMS System
Section 200: Personnel credentials
Section 300: System providers
- 309 - Private ambulance service EMS personnel markings and protective gear
- 309 - Schedule A - Protective helmets
- 309 - Schedule B - Protective jackets
- 309 - Schedule C - Ballistic carriers/helmets
- 313 - Public safety first aid providers scope of practice and optional skills
- 315 - EMT AED service provider program approval
Section 400: Facilities
Section 500: Communications and data
Section 600: Operations
- 600 - Field pronouncement of death
- 601 - Physician at scene
- 602 - 911 EMS patient destination
- 602 - Schedule A - Trauma center service areas
- 602 - Schedule C - 911 EMS patient dispersion for APOD
- 603 - Hospital bypass
- 604 - Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)
- 605 - Prehospital trauma triage
- 606 - Transition of care
- 607 - Non-emergency ambulance utilization in the 911 EMS System
- 608 - Standby prehospital resource
- 609 - EMS System field management
- 610 - Hazardous material incidents - EMS response and transport
- 610 - Schedule A - Patient decontamination survey sheet for transport to hospital
- 611 - EMS air resource utilization
- 612 - Prehospital ambulance task force and strike teams
- 614 - Fire department emergency ambulance use
- 615 - Op Area Medical-Health mutual aid
- 616 - Surgeon to scene request and response
- 617 - EMS accreditation
- 618 - EMS life safety procedures
- 619 - End of life option
- 620 - Interfacility transfer - Ground ambulance
- 620 - Schedule A - Permitted ambulance providers
- 620 - Schedule B - Trauma system transfer guidelines
- 620 - Schedule C - Stroke system transfer guidelines
- 620 - Schedule D - STEMI system transfer guidelines
- 621 - Interfacility transfer - Air ambulance
- 622 - Ambulance patient offload
- 623 - 911 Emergency ambulance use
- 623 - Schedule A - Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) Protocol 36 – Ambulance dispatch criteria
- 651 - County EOA emergency ambulance response times
- 652 - Use of Quick Response Vehicles (QRVs) by County emergency ambulance provider
- 653 - County EOA emergency ambulance low level mitigation plan
- 654 - County EOA emergency ambulance response time reconciliation
- 655 - County EOA first responder agency response time reconciliation
- 656 - County EOA resupply of first responder agencies
Section 700: Clinical Care
Section 800: Reference Materials
- 811A - MCI documents/Tools Appendix A
- 811A - Field Treatment Site Operations Guide Annex A
- 812 - Emergency Medical Services trust fund application
- 813 - Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
- 815 - CHEMPACK operations guide
- 822 - Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) packet
- 824 - EMS supervisor field operations guide