EMS trust fund project solicitation – Fiscal year 2024
The Santa Clara County EMS Agency is pleased to open solicitation period for new EMS Trust Fund Projects (Category C). Read more about the Santa Clara County Prehospital Care Policy Reference #812: EMS Trust Fund Guide and Funding Application. This document identifies the process for submission of requests, applicant eligibility, the review process, and requirements related to the use of EMS Trust Fund allocations.
After the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors approval, the Category C funding allocation for FY2024 will be in the amount of $350,000. This is the total amount available for this fiscal year’s projects. All proposals will be reviewed and approved by EMS staff, EMS Director, Trust Fund Advisory Committee, and the EMS Committee. In the event we receive proposals that exceed the total funding amount, the Trust Fund Advisory Committee will review and choose the projects that provide the best benefit to the EMS system. Approved project components will need to be completed by June 30, 2024.
Projects that are consistent with the Santa Clara County EMS System vision are strongly encouraged and must (1) provide an enhancement to the Santa Clara County EMS System and/or (2) have a countywide benefit to the EMS System. Our vision is assuring an EMS system in Santa Clara County that provides safe, effective, and quality prehospital care.
Completed applications must be received by email and sent to [email protected] by July 14, 2023 at 5:00 pm. No late submissions will be accepted. No incomplete submissions will be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support of our Emergency Medical Services System. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the telephone number or email provided.